The Xeta2 family of radios is capable of operating in the 217-222MHz licensed VHF band. Industry leading modulations up to 45kbps¹ 32QAM provide some of the highest data rates available on a narrowband (12.5kHz) channel. Larger channel sizes (15, 25, 50, 200 and 250kHz) are also available for maximum speeds on any type of license. Unique to XetaWave, master radios can use multiple modulation rates to create multipoint, multispeed networks where radio links vary in distance and signal strength, allowing for the maximum speed to each radio.
XetaWave enclosed radios offer 2 Ethernet ports as well as 2 Serial ports (requires included adapter, or inexpensive custom cable). Several variations are available, including the dual radio module Xeta2x2, which allows for seamless back-to-back repeaters, or dual independent radios. A version with backward compatibility with MDS 2710 (A/B mode) is also available.
XetaWave’s 2nd generation -EL platform is based on a Linux operating system, allowing for additional functionality compared to the first generation platform. VLANs, static routing, CSMA mesh mode, SNMP and integrated advanced diagnostic and testing tools are all built into the latest platform.
¹Quoted data rates are radio level modulation rates. User data throughputs vary with application and radio settings. Contact us for more information on available application level throughputs.